Dedicated Debt Collection Defense Attorneys
If you are sued by a debt collector, the worst thing you can do is ignore the problem and not appear in court. The lawsuit will not go away and if you do not appear in court, you are allowing the debt collector to win "by default" and the collector will likely get a judgment against you. A judgment could follow you for up to 20 years and will negatively affect your credit report for 7 years or longer. It will be difficult if not impossible for you to purchase a home while the judgment exists. With a judgment the collector could:
- Garnish your wages
- Take money from your bank account
- Place a lien on your house
- Take property you have or acquire such as a car
A Judgment Could Haunt You For 20 Years
If you think "I don't need to worry about this because I don't have any wages, money, a car or a house," PLEASE think again. Do you hope to have some of these in the next 20 years?
It is much easier to defend or settle the case before a judgment. A judgment can only be set aside under very limited circumstances. Once the creditor receives a judgment, they won't warn you before they freeze your accounts, start garnishment proceedings or place a lien on your house or car.
Talk to an Experienced Debt Collection Defense Attorney About Your Case for Free
At Holland Law Group, we focus our practice on helping people with debt problems. We offer a free consultation with an experienced debt defense attorney. When you call us at (941) 744-5450 or contact us online you will be scheduled to talk with an attorney within 1 business day. This is a no cost complimentary call. We take calls until 7pm on weekdays and 9am-3pm on Saturdays. During your free consultation the attorney will discuss with you:
- What to expect in court and what will happen if you don't appear
- Legal defenses you may have to the lawsuit
- Is the debt yours?
- Is the amount correct?
- Has the collector violated State or Federal law with aggressive, deceptive or unfair actions? If so you may be entitled to money damages, and the collector may have to pay your costs to defend the case.
- Has the statute of limitations run? (Is the debt too old to legally sue you?)
- Is it the original creditor or a "junk debt buyer" such as Midland Funding, Cavalry, Cach or Portfolio Recovery Associates that is suing you? (Learn more about junk debt buyers)
- Does the debt collector have the paperwork to prove they have the right to collect the debt? The amount of the debt?
- The possibility of negotiating a settlement for less than the amount of the lawsuit
- The possibility of discharging this and other debt through bankruptcy to get a "fresh start" (Learn more about Bankruptcy)
Contact Us Today!
At Holland Law Group, we focus on Debt Defense, Consumer Bankruptcy, Foreclosure Defense, and Consumer Rights for Floridians. We have offices throughout the state and have served clients in nearly every county.
We offer a FREE phone or in-office consultation. Click here to view our main offices and appointment-only locations. Click here for the free online form or call us at (941) 744-5450 to schedule your consultation with an experienced attorney today. We are a debt relief agency; we help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.