When you work for a law firm that serves consumer debtors you hear a lot of heartbreaking stories. You quickly understand that there is usually a series of unfortunate circumstances that cause people to fall behind on their bills. You also understand that the choice between paying your credit card and feeding your family is no choice at all.
Medical expenses are the biggest cause of financial distress by far. A disease or injuries sustained by an accident can change a person's life in a day, sometimes taking away the ability to earn income while also increasing their cost of living. This financial burden can also impact family members as many people are forced to quit their jobs to be caregivers for loved ones in need.
Another major cause of financial distress is divorce or separation. The process of going from a household with two streams of income to one is a difficult burden in itself. But when you have a contested divorce, the attorney's fees can be substantial. Also, there can be a number of ways that one spouse can harm the other's credit either intentionally or unintentionally (I won't mention any so as to not pass on any bad ideas).
Over the last 15 years of practicing in this field, I have also witnessed how global events can create widespread, unexpected financial hardship. The first was the collapse of the housing market bubble and subsequent stock market crash of 2008. Initially, only people in the real estate market seemed to be impacted when the prices stalled and started going down. Then the recession quickly spread to impact all industries, taking years for individuals and businesses to recover.
The second global event to cause unexpected financial hardship is the COVID-19 pandemic, which we are still dealing with today. Whether people lost their jobs during lockdown or have had to miss time because they or their children tested positive, it continues to create hardships.
At Holland Law Group we understand how many different types of financial hardship can happen to anyone. We treat our clients with compassion and empathy, helping them find the best path forward so they can move on with a new chapter of their lives.
If you are experiencing any form of financial hardship, do not hesitate to contact the Holland Law Group. We have attorneys throughout the state that can assist you whether you're in Miami-Dade, Hillsborough, Duval, Orlando, Sarasota, or any other area in Florida. Call (941)-306-3601 for your consultation today!